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Showing posts from December, 2018

New Year Workout Its Not For The Weak

Start off with 5 suicides Mark a starting point then mark 4 points out from the starting point that are equal distances from each other (about 10 paces between points) Run out to the 1 st point and then back to the starting point Run out to the 2 nd point and then back to the starting point Run out to the 3 rd point and then back to the starting point Run out to the 4 th point and then back to the starting point Take a 10 sec. break Repeat 4 more times. Do 10 sets of the following exercises: (10 Push Ups, 10 Squats & 10 Mountain Climbers = 1 set) 10 Push ups -Place your hands shoulder width apart on the floor under your chest, legs extended behind you : raise and lower your body by bending at the elbows, keeping your body straight by holding stomach muscles tight and keeping your eyes looking ahead. Complete 9 more reps. 10 Squats -Standing with feet a little more than shoulder width apart, slowly lower your buttocks by bending at the knee